
Java topics list for Beginners

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    janbir bhosale

    If you’re just starting with Java, it’s essential to cover fundamental topics that will give you a strong foundation in the language. Here is a comprehensive list of Java topics for beginners, organized in a logical sequence to facilitate learning:

    1. Introduction to Java
    What is Java?
    History of Java
    Features of Java
    Java Development Kit (JDK), Java Runtime Environment (JRE), and Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
    Installing JDK and setting up the environment
    2. Basic Syntax
    Writing your first Java program
    Understanding the structure of a Java program
    Comments in Java
    Java identifiers and keywords
    3. Data Types and Variables
    Primitive data types (int, float, double, char, boolean, etc.)
    Non-primitive data types (Strings, Arrays, Classes, etc.)
    Variables and constants
    Type casting and type conversion
    4. Operators
    Arithmetic operators
    Relational operators
    Logical operators
    Assignment operators
    Unary operators
    Ternary operators
    Bitwise operators
    5. Control Statements
    Conditional statements (if, if-else, switch-case)
    Looping statements (for, while, do-while)
    Break, continue, and return statements
    6. Arrays
    One-dimensional arrays
    Multi-dimensional arrays
    Array manipulation and common operations
    Enhanced for loop
    7. Strings
    String class and its methods
    String concatenation and comparison
    StringBuilder and StringBuffer
    Immutable strings
    8. Methods
    Defining and calling methods
    Method overloading
    Passing arguments and returning values
    9. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
    Classes and objects
    Instance and class variables (static variables)
    Instance and class methods (static methods)
    this keyword
    10. Inheritance
    Types of inheritance
    super keyword
    Method overriding
    Dynamic method dispatch
    Abstract classes and methods
    11. Polymorphism
    Compile-time polymorphism (method overloading)
    Runtime polymorphism (method overriding)
    Type casting in objects
    12. Encapsulation
    Access modifiers (private, default, protected, public)
    Getter and setter methods
    13. Abstraction
    Abstract classes
    Interfaces and their use
    14. Packages and Access Modifiers
    Creating and using packages
    Importing packages
    Understanding the role of access modifiers in packages
    15. Exception Handling
    Types of exceptions
    Try-catch block
    Finally block
    Throwing exceptions
    Creating custom exceptions
    16. Basic Input and Output
    Reading input using Scanner class
    Writing output using System.out
    File I/O basics (FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader, BufferedWriter)
    17. Collections Framework
    Introduction to the Collections Framework
    List, Set, and Map interfaces
    Commonly used classes: ArrayList, LinkedList, HashSet, TreeSet, HashMap, TreeMap
    Iterating over collections (Iterator, for-each loop)
    18. Introduction to Java 8 Features
    Lambda expressions
    Functional interfaces
    Stream API
    Default and static methods in interfaces
    19. Basic Concurrency
    Introduction to threads and multithreading
    Creating and running threads
    Thread lifecycle
    Concurrency utilities (Executors, Concurrent collections)

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